- Date posted
- 51w ago
Any thoughts on Meta OCD? Is that real?
- Trigger warning
- "Pure" OCD
- False Memory OCD
- Relationship OCD
- Real Events OCD
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Any thoughts on Meta OCD? Is that real?
Do someone here daydreaming and notice it goes wrong? And you getting so much anxiety and start thinking about it...? Like do you start thinking you did on purpose?
It wants me to engage in compulsions surrounding school in September to ensure I won't be a failure. I also am in the middle of my spring semester, worried about my math class but still pushing regardless. Anything? Guys please answer, this is scary, I'm afraid what will happen if I don't do the compulsions that I also have to do now and in September
So I upped my Prozac dose to 40mg 4 days ago and the anxiety I’m feeling is HORRIFIC. The physical symptoms are horrible it’s like I can’t relax or try and calm down no matter what I do. Is this normal?? I’m going through a really bad ocd episode at the moment and the thoughts seem a little less scary in part thanks to ERP but I have such horrific anxiety right now I don’t even know what I’m anxious about anymore and it’s stressing me out.
Has anyone ever had an intrusive thought or false memory about a person and then some time later in the future that person says something like what your thought/false memory was about happened to them and you immediately think it was you even though you know it was just ocd and now you doubt and question yourself?
so I just wanna know if the ERP is working or not. I still have a lot of repetitive thinking, but I don’t get anxiety around it anymore. I’m more or less emotion wise. Just get annoyed and tired that it is still trying to be repetitive in my mind. So I’m just curious is the ERP working or do I need to push a little harder?
I'm starting my OCD therapy in two days and I'm nervous. I'm hoping this helps because my intrusive thoughts have returned with a severity after I experienced several losses within a week. My mind feels so heavy and the way this feels, feels different than the other times. Am I just not processing things which is making my thoughts worse? Probably, but I'm stuck. And I'm angry I'm having to go through all of this because of a medication that was supposed to help me. Does anyone else experience a kind of cloudy mind with intrusive thoughts and you feel unsure about everything?
So I'm doing erp and it's going well or at least it was a thought arrived this morning it said "what if the reason your not doing that action is because your scared" and I was like well yeah because that's not who I am and then it moves on when ocd is gone and the fear "what if you do that action" and I started to panic any advice now I'm worried about the future about a what if question I know I'm not in to or like at all. Because it goes against who I am.
Hey guys I get songs stuck in but since a few days ago I’ve had this static sound stuck in my head. It’s so annoying I feel like I have schizophrenia🤦🏻♀️ and my ocd is just running with it.
What are some examples of mental compulsions and how can you identify them in yourself? I am struggling with what counts as a mental compulsion since it’s not as black and white as a physical one.
I really hate this trend of people going "my intrusive thoughts won" in reference of something that is not a intrusive thought...at all. This whole trend of people conflating intrusive thoughts with impulsive ones is exhausting because when these same people actually hear about the types of intrusive thoughts that people with OCD have they paint them as some sort of monster when the whole basis of OCD for most people is the anxiety of being the opposite of what your morals and beliefs are! This trend definitely adds more to the stigma, everyone is always pro mental health and want better for the mentally ill until the mentally ill actually show symptoms
Does anyone else feel like a switch in their head gets flipped and they become the worst version of themselves. Like I can love life one second and then the anxiety hits me like a truck and I’m completely winded. I’m exhausted on every level. I feel it in my stomach. I’m tired. I’ve had OCD my entire life and I’m not sure I’ll ever live peacefully. Trying to stay hopeful.
This is the first time I’m posting here but I really need to. Basically, I have known this boy for about 4/5 years now. We usually just talked on snap as we were too shy to meet irl. We were just friends. He did have feelings for me for a long time it I didn’t until recently. I did him really bad as 2 years back, when I got into a relationship. I blocked him out of no where. I know it’s really bad and a messed up thing to do but I was dumb. I hurt him a lot. A year or so later I realised my mistake and reached out to him again with an apology (me and my ex broke up by this time). I helped him get a job with me. So we started working together as well. During this time once again I didn’t have feelings for him. But sometimes he would flirt and stuff. I’m kind of a bitch. A few years ago, and even a few months ago I’ve said a few bad things about him behind his back to other people. Like bad things. Just to give you guys an understanding I’m 18 atm. Old enough to know what’s right and wrong but I still messed up quite a bit Recently, we have started working a lot more and meeting in real life unlike before. And I have caught feelings in the past few weeks. We both confessed. Aren’t official yet as I’m worried about my parents finding out (I’m not allowed to date). I feel really guilty tho. Whenever I talk to him, I remember the past and the things I’ve said about him and just want to confess. I’ve confessed a lot of things already and he’s told me that the past doesn’t matter. But I still feel the need to confess. I know for a fact that my feelings have changed a lot towards him. I feel like I took him for granted in the past and his attention for granted but I really really like him now. I’m started to love him. But these feelings of guilt keep coming in my way. Please help me.
Do the urges to perform compulsions ever go away? Even with ERP? I feel like I’ve been doing good resisting compulsions but the urges lingering in the back of my mind are making the healing journey very difficult. Anyone experiencing this now?
Went through absolute hell last week sticking with ERP and not seeking assurance on a massive obsession of mine. Since those three days, my thoughts have been really clear of that issue. And now here it is again. I hate the cycle. It makes it hard not to anticipate that things will randomly get worse on a good day.
Diagnosed with Pure O, Bi Polar, anxiety and Major depression. I've tried so much medication that I don't know what's left. I thought Capylta was helping and felt good, but after 3 months I crashed. Anyone have any suggestions?? Don't think my Psychiatrist even knows
Sometimes my ocd causes me to be overwhelmed that I’m physically tired, and don’t want to move to not trigger my symptoms…
i can’t move on. the guilt and shame over my actions but also struggling to remember and 100% know what happened because I was very drunk is crippling. i hate this feeling. i quit drinking because nothing is worth losing her. i feel I done something awful like semi cheat or cheat and i feel the urge to confess. i even told to my partner about the situation and she forgave me and let me with so much grace and yet i still feel like there is more to confess even tho if she’s moved on why haven’t i when im the one who was a horrible person. like i ruminate and kick analyze and essentially find/create another detail that i dont even know if its relevant or real. my partner is the love of my life and i never want to hurt her and we plan on getting married so why does my brain try and convince me i want other people when all i want is her and our life together. then if i get too drunk it’s like my subconscious comes out and tries to sabotage my life and go against all of my values and trys to get me to act on intrusive thoughts? i can’t even put it into works im so confused and feel so lonely and shameful and at rock bottom. everyone is always telling me how good of a person i am and how incredibly lucky they are to know me and i feel like a fraud and a horrible person because of my mistakes. how do i move on and recover. and then everything becomes and obsession and my comparisons worded and it’s a downward spiral. anyone else shave similar experiences or helpful tips and ways to move forward without guilt. i just want peace and love.
Did your anxiety over yourOCD ever get very intense for a period of time and later go down even though you still have the same intrusive thoughts and the same obsessions?
Yesterday I had the thought “Do I like having the thoughts just so I can fight them off?” And then I found myself almost WANTING an attack just so my ocd could be proven real to me
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OCD doesn't have to
rule your life