- Date posted
- 51w ago
Do you ever process through ocd snd then months later the same issue comes back to haunt you and its like rumination all over again? Please advise. Do i just reuse the tools from the last time or do i try additional new tools
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working to conquer OCD
Do you ever process through ocd snd then months later the same issue comes back to haunt you and its like rumination all over again? Please advise. Do i just reuse the tools from the last time or do i try additional new tools
I just got diagnosed today and am feeling unsure about it, like I fed my therapist information to incline her to diagnose me. Everything I said was true, but somehow I feel like I’m misrepresenting myself. Life is not debilitating and I don’t ever have panic attacks or major breakdowns, so what if I’m just a little neurotic and do not have OCD? I felt like I was self-reporting and in my mind it would only be legit if I accidentally divulged my symptoms instead of reading off the list I made. I felt like I was trying to manipulate her into believing me.
Recently I posted on here about talking with a guy and exchanging information. After we briefly talked, I didn’t feel comfortable to keep talking to him so I blocked him. I just didn’t feel safe, not really knowing who this person was. Or at least I thought so. After the fact, I looked up his number and was able to track down his LinkedIn and Facebook page. He seemed legit. Well, I didn’t know that LinkedIn actually tracked your profile views and he must’ve realized I looked at his page. Late last night, he added me on snap. I didn’t add him back, and he hasn’t contacted me on any other social media. But now I’m worried and obsessing over this situation. Should I just let it go or address it?
Last week, I had a really bad OCD spiral, where I was convinced that I was in fact paranoid and going "crazy". I ended up going to the ER, and they confirmed that it was in fact my OCD and prescribed me meds. I met with a few psychiatrists and they also confirmed that I have OCD. I started therapy with NOCD on Tuesday, and had a great session, and felt great! And yesterday, I was doing pretty good, where I was able to go into the office, and have a normal work day. I still had those intrusive thoughts regarding paranoia but didn't cause me distress and kind of just pushed them away with ease. This morning, I started having some bad intrusive thoughts where I see myself trying to fight the negative thoughts in my head. These intrusive thoughts sometimes feels like its another person in my head. I've had these experiences before, and I tell myself that these are just my thoughts, and not anybody else's, and I am afraid that I am believing that there is some kinda entity in me trying to convince me that these intrusive thoughts are true. Coming from a very religious background, it makes it even harder for me to push these thoughts away because people in church will tell you that it is an evil spirit causing this distress. I know that this doesn't make sense from a rational perspective, but it makes me always question that it might be true. I find myself trying to tell this "entity" or spirit that it doesn't belong in my brain, which makes me feel like I might have a more severe mental illness.
Before i went to school i bought a juice for the day and it looked sealed well but when i opened the cap it came off really easily and i got anxious that it was already opened before i bought it even though it looked sealed.Today was gonna be the day i was going to ignore all my intrusive thoughts but im so scared to drink it because my brain is telling me someone opened it before, but im really thirsty and have to be in school for a long time 😪.What should i do?
Ok little weird question here but does anyone else wake up feeling pretty normal and then feel their ocd set in a bit later? I’ve had this for 6 months now and these past few days I’ve noticed that I wake up completely fine but by the time I’ve come downstairs and let my dog out or made breakfast I feel like the ocd has “set in.” I can’t describe it any other way except my head feels fuzzy particularly in the front part of my brain. It’s almost like the ocd wakes up. This might be really off from what you guys are experiencing but I just want to know. Thank you 💛
Does anyone feel like they “like” their intrusive thoughts? Like after a while the fear and the disgust you used to feel about the thoughts becomes numb and you wonder if you just like it? And that the thoughts are happening bc you just like and want that thing? I’m beyond confused. I (23F) still feel like on some level I know I want to be with men and end up with a man. But I’m growing unsure there’s a man that has what I need in a partner and am not happy in my current relationship which certainly isn’t helping my case lol. I’ve been dealing with this for almost 7 months and I’m so tired of the incessant thoughts and physical responses I feel like I should just give up and give in.
Question: Given the differences of OCD and depression, how do you balance not seeking reassurance with comfort from others that you will be ok? Context: Hi all, I’ve recently found it challenging to manage both OCD and depression because I feel they require different strategies. I’m feeling managing OCD requires you to not seek reassurance, but at the same time, depression seems like you need someone to just tell you “it’s going to be ok.” Recently, I’ve been trying to not seek reassurance, but I feel that I’m not able to make the best decisions that way, and the weight of those led to a longer depression which includes intrusive thoughts that are hard to manage. I describe the relationship as a Venn Diagram, but OCD is on the top and depression is at the bottom, and the intersection is the threshold/breaking point that can lead to longer depression. Any advice from experience or perspectives that people can offer? I appreciate it.
I’ve experienced OCD since I was 11 years old (I am 29 now), and was diagnosed with it in 2021. So, I’ve lived more than half of my life dealing with this disorder in silence. I’ve recently been feeling like I’m no longer a good person. That all of the things I’ve held close to my heart and loved, no longer matter to me. As much as I try to go back to those things, it sometimes feels so foreign and makes me feel anxious. Has anybody else experienced this before? If so, what are some things you’ve done to help you find happiness and joy in the things you’ve cherished?
Scary intrusive thoughts For the past 8 months I’ve been terrified of developing schizophrenia, I’ve gone through various stages of this theme, like in the beginning I was really afraid of hallucinating and stuff like that but as the months and this obsession progressed I’ve become more afraid of having delusions and the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. In the beginning after watching a demonic horror movie or something I would start getting awful intrusive thoughts like “what if I start to believe my wife is a demon” or “what if I start believing the government is run by satan” or some shit, but now i get thoughts like that all the time and even without watching horror movies, and now the “what if I start to believe” part is gone and now the thoughts are like “what if my wife is a demon.. well you can’t prove she’s not” etc etc. my ocd or anxiety has really latched onto these delusional, demonic thoughts. I hate them so much, I have never ever believed in superstitious stuff like this before, I am a literal atheist and a secular humanist. What is wrong with me? Has anyone ever had intrusive thoughts like this?
does anyone feel like ever since they started with intrusive thoughts / compulsions that you feel as if your brain has turned to mush and your intellect has vanished. it’s really hard for me to string sentences together & i feel as if everyone who speaks about ocd has this way of putting it that i never will be able to. i’m still untreated & in the dark to be honest. when it comes about speaking about what ive been through as well i can’t remember everything only the really bad episodes, it’s like my brain is hiding it away from me waiting for a day for me to remember and traumatise me all over again. i’m also petrified of saying the wrong things to people and potentially worsening their ocd or seeming to be uneducated about it and like i have no idea what i’m talking about. i’m still learning but i’m frustrated that i feel as if i still don’t know anything. does that make sense?
What do you usually press when you’re selecting how much time to warm up your food in the microwave? Increments of 30 mins like 1:00, 1:30, 2:00 etc? Just realized I do Just Right compulsions with the numbers… thinking about pressing 2:00 is making me uncomfortable
I have bad intrusive thoughts about me committing past assault, rape, etc. Today, there’s a popular online streamer that’s being accused of SA, the allegations seem to be true to me at least. Now I’m having flashbacks or thoughts about a girl I dated years ago. I tried to make a move on the first night together, she said no and I respected that. But on the second night, I can’t remember if we were cuddling in the move theater and if we did, did I touch her chest and then further to her breast. I have rumination like was she uncomfortable, did I rape her, etc. Any advice would be appreciated
i’m struggling to find professional help in the uk for my mental health - i’ve been told i have ocd by my mental health nurse who also is in touch with doctors who also claim i have ocd but no one has sat down and diagnosed me. i’m trying to get a diagnosis & therapy because these past few years of intrusive thoughts & compulsions have completely traumatised me and ruined me as a person. i know this app is mainly for the US but ive seen a few uk posts. does anyone have any guidance or experiences in the uk that may help me?
Does anyone else share this sentiment? I want to date someone with OCD. Preferably someone who understands pure-o and the issues I go through. I feel like it would be easier because not only would they understand me, I feel like I could also be good for them because I'd understand how OCD works and help them through their obsessions together and overall it would be healthier than someone else having to navigate my OCD. That being said I'd still have to find someone okay with my asexuality and me being genderfluid but :( small steps I guess. Anyone else relate? Of course,
Do you have any tips to help me redirect my thoughts & actions?
Do any of you suffer from frequent rumination, anxiety when not giving in to compulsion, and having a guilt or doubt that you did something inappropriate and with bad intent? Even though its completely against your values and history the guilt and doubt is unbearable. Its affecting my family and work life.
My 9 yo daughter began her OCD symptoms when she turned 8. Her dad has it so we recognized it. She sees a therapist who told her to make her OCD into a being. She named her OCD a silly name to help her separate herself from her anxieties and subsequent compulsions. It’s hard to know what she’s supposed to do with this “creature” as verbalizing it is difficult for her. Should she try to push this being away when he pops up, or is she supposed to work with the being to coexist? I just want to be as helpful to her as possible.
Does anyone else get very nervous/afraid/anxious after experiencing an OCD spiral? Over the last 2 days I’ve had my worst ocd episode in years and even though I think and hope I’m through the worst of it I find myself nervous that anything could re-trigger it. Just feeling really vulnerable and fragile and wondering if anyone else gets “ocd hangovers” like this.
It feels like I’m going round in circles with my ocd and struggling to find things to help I’ve been in therapy but felt like they didn’t understand my ocd properly as they weren’t specialised in ocd I’ve been told “I’m doing the right things to help” and that there’s nothing more to offer me? but none of the therapy sessions even done things like cbt or exposure therapy It’s making me worried that there’s no way to help it or that no one else experiences the same thing as me Just makes me feel like there’s something wrong with me :( Worried I’m making it up and that it’s not ocd Has anyone done the therapy on here and has it helped? Please tell me your experience 💕
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OCD doesn't have to
rule your life