- Username
- Makuromii
- Date posted
- 33w ago
I need to go to church tmrw but I feel like crap... ^^ Idk if this is OCD or not but I feel like I do not fit in my own skin no matter what I do :( Yeah basically I feel like sleeping forever idk :p
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working to conquer OCD
I need to go to church tmrw but I feel like crap... ^^ Idk if this is OCD or not but I feel like I do not fit in my own skin no matter what I do :( Yeah basically I feel like sleeping forever idk :p
I’m genuinely curious. What are some of the not talked about physical symptoms from OCD? I get anxiety from my OCD and it causes a lot of things for me like stomach pain, loss of appetite, etc. I think one symptom a lot of people don’t seem to talk about too much is the fear of going to sleep? I sometimes get nocturnal panic attacks and wake up in a jolt. It gets more common when I’m stressed or my period is coming. Does anyone else struggle with nocturnal panic?
Does anyone have skin picking ocd? I gouge my skin bc I can’t stand anything sticking up but then I make it bleed and feel gross and have to clean my room and shower. I’m so tired. Any advice?
hi, i have been having panic attacks for a year now, sometimes they happen more often sometimes I can calm them, but I am going to be on the road for some time now and I would appreciate it if someone has any helpful tips on how to stop a panic attack when travelling. The attacks are usually induced by physical sensations and symptoms, so it really feels like I am dying every time I have a panic attack because I usually have weird physical symptoms accompanied with them (numbness, crawling, fast heartbeat, heart palpitations, hyperventilating, nausea, tingling....)
Does anybody else feel like they have to go pee just one last time except it happens over and over again at night time? I usually cave and go to the bathroom after feeling like I have to for a long time but it’s always just a dribble like I didn’t actually have to go. I was seeing a physiotherapist for pelvic floor exercises and she said that it wasn’t a physical issue and that it was most likely psychological. Wondering if this is OCD? Somatic OCD possibly?
OCD Journey Stories
I used to lay in bed in the morning and sob, begging my mom to let me sleep so I didn't have to face my symptoms.
By Haley Biddanda
Read my Somatic OCD story →So I am new to this app but I was wondering if anyone had any tips and tricks to deal with skin picking. I tend to pick at my eyebrows and I have before and it got bad and then I had it under control but now I feel I can’t control it. What should I do?
Does anyone have any tips on how to get a full nights rest? I had a pretty good afternoon/evening yesterday, yet still found myself waking up every 2-3 hours with anxious thoughts. Also I have this horrible chest pain in the morning, that usually takes me a while to shake. Not sure if that’s contributing to my lack of sleep.
Mentally AND physically. Ever since I got a cut on my nipple last May (because of bad bras and work), I have been obsessed with the idea that I might have breast cancer. I am obsessively doing breast exams and squeezing my skin to feel lumps. The other night, I squeezed so hard that it actually formed a bruise! Thanks to Icy Hot and Tylenol, the bruise is fading quickly, but I'm tired of causing myself pain because of these thoughts. Outside of me doing it to myself, the only pain I feel is from a ridiculously tight bra (I NEED to get a new one...) and the normal wear and tear from having a physically demanding job. I'm just. so tired. I want to exist without obsessively fearing over this. Before this, it was teeth. I have one that sticks out, and I was CONVINCED that it would just fall out. Maybe getting all of this out will help me...
I’ve been having this since a month and it’s horrible like I might forget how to breathe it becomes manual, and it’s every second of every day, distractions don’t really help and I feel so hopeless. I am not diagnosed with OCD, diagnosed with GAD but after a bad cold I developed this similar OCD condition being so hyper aware of my breath.
ive become fixated on the idea of somehow no longer being able to breathe and suffocating, just out of nowhere. and i know this isnt going to happen to me but im so scared of this happening that i start focusing on my breathing, and it feels like it IS harder to breathe but im pretty sure its just my anxiety and im playing tricks on myself… only issue is im not really sure if this is part of my ocd specifically
Worry about groinal responses while laying down and worry when i hear relatives voices. I adjust as a compulsion and worry if im arousing and if i dont move i worry am i dwelling.
Do any of you ladies struggle with wearing bras? Lately I can not stand the feeling of wearing bras. I get so uncomfortable even in most sports bras that obsess and stress myself out so badly. There has to be some bra out there that is just soft and comfy enough so it doesn’t drive me insane. Anyone else experience this? And any bra recommendations?
Hello. Did any medications help with sensorimotor OCD? I started Zoloft a week ago. Thanks!
Does anyone else make themselves feel physically sick when they’re anxious? It’s like I’m making myself sick with reoccurring thoughts of worry. If you do, how do you make yourself feel better in those moments..?
So I have dealt with skin picking my entire life but over the past few months it has gotten so bad and I was wondering if anyone had like tips for how to curb the obsessive urge to scratch I have caused irreversible damage at this point and I really just need to curb the need to fulfill the urge.
I was doing really well until yesterday, where the goalpost was moved and my grounding and mindfulness exercises werent working. I eventually lapsed in a panic attack in the middle of the night. Today i just feel like im wasting away, my body is weak, i feel sick, I cant summon any motivation. I havent really given in to my thoughts, but i really dont have the energy to care rn.
Anyone have trouble with leaving the home (aka your safe space)? I’m so worried that I’ll have heart palpitations in public, which might trigger me to panic, and then all the catastrophic what if situations might happen. It’s been tough feeling like I can be normal and live life lately.
Hi all, I’m new here. For the past 5ish years of my life I have lived with what I called health anxiety but recently have been researching more into OCD and I’m wondering if that’s what I might actually suffer from. I have tried multiple different therapists and types of therapy (mostly CBT and talk) but nothing has helped me. Every day I think about death and it plagues most of my thoughts in any given scenario. Usually I think about it in terms of myself because I am terrified of dying young but slightly less often I obsess over losing my husband as well. For myself this usually manifests as thinking I have specific diseases (cancer, bone disease, heart conditions, brain tumors) that are undiagnosed and underlying. I am doing constant checks and googling of my symptoms and thinking about what will happen after I die and how it will affect my loved ones and everything around me. I also become very triggered when I hear about young people dying and whenever I hear something like that or see something on social media about death or disease I think it’s a sign from the universe about myself and I spiral. I am terrified of the doctor so I actually haven’t been in a very long time but I have been trying to talk myself into getting blood tests. I’m just terrified of hearing what I feel are going to be bad results. I try not to think about my thoughts because I also have thoughts that thinking this way will manifest bad health even if I don’t already have it so then I become in an obsessive loop of thinking and then thinking about not thinking and then thinking about thinking about not thinking … I don’t know if any of this makes sense and I don’t know what I can do at this point but I am just so so exhausted of living my life this way so here is my word vomit.
I had some drinks and ate dinner last night and now wake up with anxiety. Sitting up in bed because I can hear my heart rate and am focused on it. I feel so bad!
I’m here because I’m looking for help. I’ve tried CBT but my therapist isn’t specialized in OCD and I don’t know what else to do. I’m terrified all the time, I wear a mask every day and wash my hands till they are raw. I don’t know what to do, I didn’t have anywhere near the levels of anxiety and depression before the pandemic that I have since the pandemic started, I am terrified of everything, I had Covid once but I am terrified that I’m a ticking time bomb because it does cause long lasting symptoms and can disable or kill you even after one infection and that’s what terrifies me. I’m forced to go into the office with people who don’t mask and don’t care about coughing up a lung and not covering it up. I can’t sleep without feeling like something is wrong with my heart or my body and I am constantly afraid of going out and being around people and crowds. I’m terrified of Covid and getting it again and losing my life and quality of life because of it. I’m also terrified of losing my wife because she doesn’t want a partner who just stays in the house all the time.
If you are in crisis, please use these emergency resources to find immediate help.
OCD doesn't have to
rule your life