@spelamarela - Thats kinda the cool thing about sexuality. You get to be with who you CHOOSE. I also took a human sexuality course in college and it taught me that there is no 100% Gay or 100% straight, we all are somewhere on the spectrum. I often tell people on here who have SO-OCD because it helps them realize its ok to feel in-between. Like i said, I'm "straight" but i appreciate girls, i wouldn't even consider myself Bi, id say I'm probably 90% straight, and on a test, a 90 is passing, so that's enough for me. For you, you say you like me, you WANT to be with men, the ONLY thing in your way is a glitch in your brain called OCD that throws a " what if you're meant to be with women?" and you already can tell in your bones its a glitch cuz instead of agreeing with it, you say " woah wait, nu uh, i like men, i WANT to be with men." the crappy part about OCD is just because you KNOW its there, it doesn't make it shut up. There isn't a magic word i can give you that will make those doubts go away, but its your job to teach your brain that YOU are in charge. We don't control our thoughts, we only control which ones are important. " i can be with men, cuz I'm supposed to be lesbian" file that away in the spam folder, its not worth your attention " but i feel like I'm lying to myself and deep down inside I'm supposed to be lesbian"-spam. Come up with a RPM "response prevention mantra" if i were in your shoes id say "hmm, well, perhaps i could be with women, maybe one day i will be, but today i rather be with men, today I'm straight" or " hmmm, am i supposed to be with a woman? meh, maybe, i never liked doing what I'm supposed to do, i think ill just be with men anyway." Your last sentence really nailed it " iv always wanted a man just haven't met the right one." THAT is you're true nature and the way i can tell is ONE KEY word. " feel". At the beginning of the post you said " i FEEL like if I'm a lesbian" but that last sentence, you didn't say " i FEEL like i want a man" you said " I WANT" OCD shows its chinks in the armor in SUBTLE ways like that. OCD is not a thought problem, its a FEELING problem, don't let how you FEEL make your decisions for you.