@Elicambel - I understand. This is what I'm referring to when I talk about trying to figure out what something MEANS.
If it happened, then it doesn't mean anything other than that it happened.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that it happened and you wanted it to happen and enjoyed it. Well, clearly right now in the present, you don't want it to happen. So much so that you're terrified that it may have even happened in the first place. That proves that even IF this is something you intentionally did and enjoyed, you have changed.
This notion that you are, at your core, a "terrible person," is an example of the black-and-white thinking that OCD feeds upon. I'm a firm believer that people can perform terrible actions, but people THEMSELVES aren't terrible. That's because everything in the universe, including ourselves, our bodies, our personalities, and our mind states, are constantly changing. We think that we perform actions based on some core, unchangeable self, but really we perform actions based on the countless conditions around us. How we were raised, the environment we grew up in, how other people treat us, our genetics, hormones...so many different things play into the choices we make. And all of those things change.
The point of punishment and guilt is to show someone that they have done something anti-social so that they change their behavior. Once that it accomplished, if the punishment and/or guilt continues, that's basically just torture. Even IF what you did warrants some guilt or punishment (which based on how you describe it, it doesn't, in my opinion), you are now essentially just torturing yourself.
If you aren't speaking to a therapist who practices ERP, I highly recommend seeking that out. At the end of the day this requires a change in perspective on your part, which you need to experience for yourself.
You are worthy of love and compassion no matter what! I'm rooting for you.