- Date posted
- 1y ago
Ocd daily battle
It seems like the toughest thing is to continue my day and get out of bed even though I have intrusive thoughts. Starting to think my response of quiting or throwing the day away is my ritual that needs to end.
It seems like the toughest thing is to continue my day and get out of bed even though I have intrusive thoughts. Starting to think my response of quiting or throwing the day away is my ritual that needs to end.
Getting out of bed can be SO HARD sometimes. But it sounds like you're on the right track by letting go of the all-or-nothing thinking that the day is worthless/lost if it starts imperfectly with a struggle.
I’m not sure if my original comment went through. In the past, and even at times now I struggle with that cycle of giving in. With ocd it’s hard to ground yourself especially when the intrusive thoughts can be very triggering. I use the mantra a lot to bring a indifference point of view with my ocd, “I’m not a good or bad person.” To not limit who I am as a person. We are all human. I use stuffed animals for comfort when I freak out with my ocd. Finding things that can ground us is good too. I hope this helped!
Just feels like in this cycle of quiting getting relief then beating myself up because I quit.
I feel this so hard. Its been freezing cold out, I havent seen the sun yet n days. I have a good job that I can work from home when I want, but I just stay in my bed the whole time and take naps throughout the day. Ive been sleeping 15 hours a day lately. I dont want to die but id rather be asleep than deal with this. My wife is so upset.
@Ryan Mullen Yeah I hear ya Ryan . Im in florida its raining all the time. I dont have a good job or a relationship because of my ocd. I do work from home though and it seems thats the only time Im out of bed. Same with the rather be asleep every day I try to get up and get my day going. I never feel right so I never do. I guess have to do it no matter how I feel hopefully feel better later idk. Quiting seems to be my ritual that gets me anxiety relief.
Hi guys! I have had a really rough couple of days. I got really triggered and it has stuck around for a few more days than usual now. I have this overwhelming feeling of giving up and i even feel relief from it at times which is scary, but it goes COMPLETELY against my value system and i dont think i would ever end my life because it means way too much to me. my compulsions have been trying to convince myself of reasons why life is beautiful but i have been so overwhelmed by thoughts that i cant do this. i really dont want to die!! so why is my brain filling with these thoughts to just give up? Anything helps <3 I have therapy tomorrow thank GOODNESS
Hey today I’m feeling very tired because of my OCD I’m just so tired of it. I feel I’m doing everything to get better. I disregard the thoughts, I’m trying to do things like I don’t have ocd but it doesn’t want to go away. I was doing fine for a long period of time and now I feel like I’m back a square one. It’s been almost 2 months now I’m battling with OCD and I’m just tired. Sure I have moments where it’s better than others, I also have days where I barely have OCD but I also have really bad days like today where I just don’t want to get out of bed. Last time I had a relapse it took my 4 weeks to get out of it I don’t understand why this time it takes me more. I’m starting believing that I will never feel better again. Anyway I’m gonna try to find the strength to get out of bed and to start my day. But I just wanted to share. It’s such a horrible illness.
Hi, I don’t know what to do anymore Pocd kills me I had many themes before but this theme is the hardest for me. I’m tired. I’m on therapy and meds but I barely do erp . I don’t have a reason I just don’t want to do it but today I will because I have to. I’m taking meds and they help with the anxiety for sure. But the obsessive part is still here . I’m almost 2 months on it (40 mg on Prozac) but I’m still super obsessed like I can have thoughts 24/7 every second of the day and not leave me alone. I have experienced a thought right now for a month + . It’s a thought to do compulsion/urge. My therapist says to let go and gives me tips how to she also tell me to do more erp. But I have this thought to do compulsion for more then month. Im scared what if I don’t have ocd the thought is 24/7. Do you think I should switch meds im so tired.
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