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- Anonymous
- Date posted
- 15w ago
please help
how do i snap my self out of a suicidal ocd episode? it’s constant thoughrs i feel scared and hopeless. i just want to be better, any suggestions help
how do i snap my self out of a suicidal ocd episode? it’s constant thoughrs i feel scared and hopeless. i just want to be better, any suggestions help
In regards to ERP (you mentioned in another comment that it isn't available to you), just FYI this website/app offers therapy over telehealth, and from my experience it is good quality. If that still isn't an option, you can still get familiar with the basic concepts of ERP and mindful-based techniques. Here's the first thing to understand: your thoughts aren't the problem, and neither is the anxiety. These OCD spirals are fueled by our resistance to those things. We don't like the thoughts, and we don't like the feeling of anxiety, so we do whatever we can (compulsions) to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Ironically, this causes more intrusive thoughts and more anxiety. The foundation of ERP is to teach yourself to allow the thoughts to be there, and simply feeling the anxiety that arises without resistance. The reason this works is that it actually demonstrates to yourself that you can handle the anxiety, and that the thoughts are not at all dangerous no matter what they are. Over time, this slowly makes the thoughts seem less important, and you naturally care about them less. As you care about them less, they produce less anxiety, and you don't feel the need to compulsively get rid of them. Here's an exercise you can try on your own: Once a day, set a timer for 5 minutes. For those 5 minutes, make it a goal to allow whatever intrusive thoughts arise to be there. Maybe even write them down on a sheet of paper, without altering them in any way. During this time, you will likely feel quite anxious, and that's good; that's what you want. As the anxiety arises, simply focus your attention on your body, no matter what your thoughts are saying. Anxiety physically presents itself in different ways to different people, and this is your chance to learn how it presents itself in you. Maybe your chest feels tight, your jaw is clenched, your stomach has that "sinking" feeling, or your face feels tingly. Whatever it is, simply notice it without judgement. Recognize that this is nothing but your body preparing itself because it thinks it's in danger. For the last few minutes, see what you can change about your posture or your breathing, and how that might affect the anxiety. Again, you aren't trying to "get rid" of anything, you're just experimenting. What if you relax your shoulders a bit more? Or your jaw? What if you put your hand over your chest and feel its warmth? What if you slow your breathing down? Do any of the anxious feelings change? After the 5 minutes are up, reward yourself with something pleasant. Watch a show, play a game, eat a snack, whatever. Try that out for a while and see if you start to notice any benefits. Hope this helps.
@djflorio i will try that it’s kinda scary to me tho because i don’t like feeling or having the thoughts i jjst wish they would all go away and not come back but i know that i have them so i have to fix them
I am sorry you are going through this. This theme has tormented me on and off for a while. ERP and resisting compulsions is so hard, but it’s the key to getting better
@Anonymous the only erp near me is 4 hours away and costs $400 for 3 sessions which i don’t have the best amount of money but thank u sm for the advice i’ll try not to do compulsions sm
@Anonymous I can give you some ERP exercises my therapist gave me if you want
@Anonymous if you don’t mind i would love to know some
@Anonymous My therapist has me writing “ I want to die” and “Suicide” over and over and resisting compulsions the entire time. Standing next to the train or holding a knife and resisting compulsions. The key is resisting your compulsions while doing your exposures.
I listen to really stupid music. Like, stupid stupid. I don’t know if it would help you, but something that has a musical pattern (or lacktherof!) helps me focus on something other than my thoughts, and added humor gets me to laugh a little. Idk, sometimes the jarring switch between what’s going on in my head and what I’m choosing to listen to is enough to snap me out of it. One of my favorites and go-to’s is lil big stacks toilet time 2, specifically the song “farts in my butt.” Also, “my superhero movie” from the teen titans go movie. This might be completely unhelpful but it usually has a 70% chance of lifting my spirits by some degree. I hope you feel better soon, but do know it does and CAN get better!!!
@telomeres thank you so much it actually makes sense what ur sayin bc when last night it got so bad i can’t even remember much i got on tiktok and watched funny videos and it’s like i would snap back into reality so your advice is really helpful thank u sm
Hey everyone. Long post, but just want some advice. I’ve had suicidal ocd, with some relationship & existential on the side lol, for about a year and a half. My suicidal ocd is pretty severe. I did a small amount of erp for a month or two, but then took a break. Last week I started an IOP program. I also take 10 mg of Prozac, and have for about 5 weeks. The first week of IOP was great. This week I have went downhill and feel like my ‘old ocd self’ again meaning heavily ruminating and seeking reassurance. My exposure today was standing near train tracks. It made me sad, and scared. I didn’t want to do it. I keep ruminating. I am absolutely terrified I will not get better. I’m scared I will get depressed and think life is not worth it. Thoughts constantly run through my head. I want to be here so bad, but I’m scared I am going to give up. I constantly worry I won’t be “happy” long term and I won’t recover. Can anyone give me some hope? I am scared I’m a lost caus. Any recovery stories? I’ve never had depression and I’m feeling a bit worried about myself from feeling tired and sad. I don’t know many people with suicidal ocd- I just want to know I can recover. Thanks for reading!
*PLEASE READ* I’ve been struggling with bad harm intrusive thoughts for a couple years now. They’ll go away for a couple of months then get triggered by something and start all over again. As much as I try to tell myself that I would never act on these thoughts I have a memory from when I was little that I was going to hurt my parents in their sleep and that memory has haunted me till now. Of course I didn’t hurt them but I thought it and I feel so guilty about it today that it makes me sick to my stomach. I love my parents so much and would never want to hurt them or anybody. I just want these thoughts to go away because they don’t line up with my values of who I am. But every time I tell myself that my thoughts are not facts that memory pops up making me feel like an awful person. I feel right now as if I don’t deserve any love from anyone because of these thoughts. I’m a believer of God and I feel as if I don’t deserve his love as well and that he has given up on me. These thoughts have also turned into a new theme of being scared I’m actually crazy and going into a psychosis. I’m just so scared and just want to be normal. As much as I tell myself ocd lies to you these thoughts have really scared me and I haven’t felt like myself in days. I’ve also struggled with health anxiety and intrusive suicidal thoughts. I know seeking reassurance isn’t good but I’m so scared.
The theme i struggle with most is suicidal OCD. And with September being “national suicide awareness month”, My anxiety is sky high. i’m back in my spiral. I’m back with the panic attacks. My mind keeps comparing itself to all of these people and now i’m convinced i want too or i have these symptoms and im next. i’m freaking myself out and idk what to do. I get scared i have suicidal ideation when i know i don’t because i would never ever actually kms nor hurt myself in anyway. Does anyone know how to comercome this??? I just got out of my spiral not even 1 months ago and im scared im going deeper this time. My mind is all over the place scared im actually going to do it when i know im not and i feel like i have to go to the hospital or something idk what to do.
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