@khloe!! Don't take my word for it because I'm not a professional, but there is a couple possibilities.
If it is schizo, depending on your age, it can start like what you described at a younger age and get worse as you get older
It can also just be as you described. Everyone is different. It could be a couple other things as well
Heck, it could just be anxiety. Depending on what's going on in your life right now, the kind of content you surround yourself with, and where your stress is. You could psych yourself out even worse sometimes, which will only make these things worse. I am schizophrenic and sometimes it comes off as what you described, other times it's things that I struggle to decipher if they're real or not, but I can go months to almost a year without having any issues, but then all the sudden I get really stressed/anxious or just watch things I shouldn't be, and next thing you know, I'm having pretty bad issues with hallucinations. Sometimes, it's just the feeling that something is right beside me or when I close my eyes, I think I see lots of faces. It's terrifying. The more worked up I get about it, the worse they get. I've learned a lot about schizophrenia but I don't know as much about the other things that it could be. I'm only more aware of bpd, autism, adhd, ed, and schizophrenia, so I apologize for that.
Try not to work yourself up too much about it. Do breathing excercises, try to distract your thoughts with something else, maybe listen to music or watch a silly movie. Distractions are good. Not for too much consistency, but for helping with a good start of calming down. It'll be okay. You've got this