- Date posted
- 49w ago
Feeling gross
One of coworkers today touched me on my back without my permission and got real close to menow I've got icky feeling all over idk if it was harassment or not but I feel gross and weird
One of coworkers today touched me on my back without my permission and got real close to menow I've got icky feeling all over idk if it was harassment or not but I feel gross and weird
Your boundaries were crossed. Not good, try to fix this asap. Next time stand up for yourself or better dont wait until next time and say it as soon as you see him/her again that you dont appreciate it. Trust me it will be worth ir. you will be proud of yourself
He wasn’t allowed to do that. Can you talk to your boss? I would recommend it Maybe you won’t make it to properly talk to the guy and confront him. But your private‘s sphere was invaded definitely! So I would suggest go to your boss. He/she should know what to do.
I was going through my old account (I had when I was 12-13) I noticed I was following this little kid that was like trying to flex, and my brain keeps saying weird things, I feel so uncomfortable rn, I keep yelling at it to shut up, pls help guys
I feel disgusted saying this, but I think my ocd attacks younger kids that look pretty or something (not attractive),, and it makes me feel attracted, even saying this makes me feel like a pred, and I feel really grossed out, I feel like a bad person for even suggesting such a thing and I’m spiraling. Please help…
I was talking with my family. I got groinal and usually try to avoid it. My therapist said for erp dont avoid it. Even lean into or aomething. I felt my hips thrust or me lean forward as i was sitting and ocd makes me feel guilty. I than did mental compulsions like self talk repearing “no” and ruminating on it after. But i know i wasnt trying ti do anything inappropriate
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