- Date posted
- 1y ago
Thoughts/images on purpose
I am having horrible thoughts on purpose and I don’t know why. I hate having them. Is it ocd related?
I am having horrible thoughts on purpose and I don’t know why. I hate having them. Is it ocd related?
It’s possible that ocd is convincing you that the thoughts are on purpose. One of the key components of ocd is that it loves to take intrusive thoughts that maybe most people have regularly and forces us to feel like we have to assign meaning to it. Sometimes that looks like having a “horrible thought” and then thinking that means we want it to happen or we are bad people. With ERP therapy you can start to work on letting thoughts happen without letting them feel sticky and meaningful.
But those thoughts not just POP up,they don’t happen all of sudden, I literally think them on purpose. But I don’t know why I do that. Because I hate it. These are disgusting thoughts.
@birdsunflower1 Do you think maybe your checking if they’re still there? I do that sometimes when I realise I haven’t had any intrusive thoughts for a while and then it causes them to pop up and I feel quite guilty and at fault
@24Lillie - I actually don’t know. Maybe unconsciously. But I have no idea. I just do it 😭
I go through the same thing. I have intrusive thoughts and then I have times where I know I could have avoided it but did it. I compare it to like a cat flicking around a dead mouse. Or like trying to not scratch a big bite. It’s awful. I hate it.
But I feel like these are not intrusive thoughts because I do them on purpose. I think them on purpose. Even though I don’t want to.
I was having a really good day at work and then all of a sudden, I realize that my harm OCD wasn’t there and then that reminded my brain to think about all these horrible things. I’ve been having really bad intrusive thoughts about wanting to hurt people or the fear of doing these things and I caught myself ruminating on things like oh well did this movie make me feel uncomfortable so I can reassure myself that I don’t wanna do these things and it’s just that fear like that I’m gonna wanna do it and it’s not even people that I’m close to. It’s literally anyone it could be like a random stranger thing about these things cause I know that’s a compulsion. So I thought I would put a message out to see if anyone could relate or has any advice.
What do you do when you have a thought and you’re not sure if it’s intrusive or not? I just had one that was so strange and bad, and I can’t believe I just had it, but I’m almost afraid it’s not intrusive and there really is something wrong with me. I hate this.
Does anyone else get “I hate you” thoughts towards their loved ones? For me specifically it’s towards my mom. I have harm OCD and it tends to be directed towards my mom. I have always been close to my mom, she’s my best friend and I know I do love her. I had not ever questioned my love or closeness to her before. However, now with this flare up, I keep getting “I hate you” thoughts whenever I’m with my mom. Even just looking at her can bring this thought into my head. I don’t feel anxiety towards it, but it does make me feel sad and down. I ruminate about how I truly feel, like I’m testing my feelings towards her - do I really hate her? Have my feelings changed and I know longer love her? I have told her this before, out of guilt and seeking reassurance, and she knows I have OCD, but it makes me feel guilty to tell her that since I know it makes her sad. So I guess my main question is, does anyone else get these kind of thoughts? And then do you question your feelings and just feel hesitant to even be around the person?
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