- Date posted
- 1y ago
help me
plz help me i’ve continued thoughts of self harming and have panic attacks also i can’t get rid of it my mind can’t stop thinking
plz help me i’ve continued thoughts of self harming and have panic attacks also i can’t get rid of it my mind can’t stop thinking
I am so incredibly sorry for what you’re going through and I know from experience how painful it is. One thing that has helped me in my journey is giving OCD a silly little name and responding to the thoughts sarcastically even when they still stress me out. For example I would say “thanks Bob you’re ever so helpful 🙃” and then I would try my best to move on with the day/moment by engaging in a positive distraction like watching a show or coloring.
I've never dealt with that specific theme but I totally understand the difficulty of ocd. You're not alone. Keep doing ERP!
I take a deep breathe and pray. And I just remember that OCD can make you feel like you have urges and get intrusive and ego dystonic thoughts that don’t align in your values stuck in your head. The more we interact with the thoughts the stickier they get, kind of like a spider web! If we take a moment and sit with the thoughts they will eventually subside. Let me know if any of this helps you!
It may feel uncomfortable but you will be so much better for it when you take a moment and allow yourself to come back into the present and then suddenly OCD loses it’s grip.
What I would do, I’d take a stress toy if you have one and squeeze all your stress into it as long as you want and take deep breaths while doing it to relax your mind.
This theme always hits me the worst. It causes the most anxiety and panic. And when i’m finally doing good again it all spirals back. my panic attacks are unreal again. sometimes i get so bad my Xanax won’t even stop the anxiety. These thoughts scare the living shit out of me and cause me to have terrible depression. Recently they have been back. What if this what if that, and sometimes they aren’t even what ifs, it’s more like a demand and they terrifies me. I’ve once again gave into my compulsions and put anything and everything that cause me anxiety into my kitchen so i can feel safe. This theme scares me because it makes me feel like i want to do it or i am going to do it when i don’t. These thoughts consume me. They even say “well do you wanna live like this what if it is the easier way out”. I don’t want to hurt myself and i’m truly a happy person i’m just not understanding these thoughts and why they cause me this much pain. I’m tired if the constant panic attacks and freaking out because of it. My mind goes “what if you have ideation and not OCD”when i clearly have been diagnosed with it. I just need tips and advice i don’t want to live like this forever i’m only 17.
how do i snap my self out of a suicidal ocd episode? it’s constant thoughrs i feel scared and hopeless. i just want to be better, any suggestions help
Hi Im a 15 year old girl and about a month ago i started having these toughts about harming myself and other people. It was verry draining for me so thats why me and my friends stayed toghether for a week and have fun. Now i started having it again and i cant help but think im a pysochapth. Today I started breaking down and i dont know what to do. Are these the since of OCD or is something really wrong with me? Please help.
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