- Date posted
- 50w ago
OCD is ruining my life
My mom wont let me go on medication, I don’t know what to do. I just want my mind to go quiet, everyone hates me and my boyfriend is also annoyed and made fun of my OCD. I just feel so alone
My mom wont let me go on medication, I don’t know what to do. I just want my mind to go quiet, everyone hates me and my boyfriend is also annoyed and made fun of my OCD. I just feel so alone
Girl if your man act like this just leave him. We are all here for you! I'd love to help you somehow, but i dont have any ideas how. You can vent anytime i'll listen to you :)
@Peanut._ Thanks girly🥺 This was the first time he made fun of my OCD, I started an argument which was my fault, but he made fun of a theme that I have and basically implied that I am crazy… I love him. Usually he has always been supportive and non judgmental, this was the first time, now I am scared that he has secretly been judging me the entire time :(
@Meowko Tell him if he cares he will research and learn about it. If not then leave him! You need someone who understands.
that's horrible that he said that to you!! so many people don't understand what we go through but your boyfriend should be the one to make you feel seen and not insane! that's incredibly dismissive. you don't deserve that and if i were you I'd be rethinking the relationship. as for your mom, I had to struggle with that a lot when I was a minor. what was helpful for me was walking her through what medical professionals recommended for treatment and all of the positives of medication on offical medical resource sites. if you have a therapist or psychiatrist, they can be a great person to help you have those conversations! they can listen to and reassure her fears a lot better than anyone else can, they do it every day
@zombye Thank you, I feel like I kind of deserved it, I thought he was lying to me and asked for reassurance, but I just always assume the worst. Thats when he made fun of my theme and subliminally called me crazy. I am a little sad though because I thought he would never judge me for my OCD. I do love him so much tho, he is the only one I have. I just talked to my mom about the medication, but she said I can do whatever I want but then said that they will make it worse and that I am gonna get addicted. She is not happy, I feel like everyone I love is just annoyed by me. I have no friends and my mom is upset and so is my boyfriend. I am sorry this is so much, thank you for your comment, I really appreciate you reading what I said
@Meowko that is absolutely not on you. he treated you like trash. it can suck when someone you love is dealing with OCD, but it's NEVER okay to say what he said to you. no matter how much you feel you "deserved" it. you deserve to be treated seriously and with respect. I'm glad your mother is letting you try medication. I'm sorry she's being so judgemental, but hopefully she'll turn around when she sees how much it's helping you. and no!! don't apologize. you're not too much. your feelings don't have to stay inside, they're allowed to take space! I'm so happy you're reaching out, it takes a lot of strength
Yes I completely get where you’re coming from, it took me a while to get through to my mum and still now I think she doesn’t fully understand it. Meds for me have been helpful and aren’t addictive at all. In combination with therapy it can really help! But you’re right, it does take a while, I’m still struggling and I’ve been on meds for a few years but it’s definitely a starting point!! I hope you start to feel better
@Flower152 Yes, I’m hoping that the meds with the combination of therapy will help me :( I just want to be normal for my boyfriend again and my mom also said I drag her down, I just want to be happy so I have lots of hope. Thank you for your comment :)
Girl I’m so sorry, no one should make you feel like you’re crazy, especially those close to you! You’re not crazy and you’re not alone. My mum was hesitant with meds at first too but it got to a point where I was so bad that meds were the only option of help. Have u spoke to her about the possibility of starting medication recently or is it definitely not an option? X
@Flower152 Thank you for your comment :) I did talk to her about it, but she thinks I am gonna depend on them and that I will get addicted, but I heard that prozac is not really addictive, it has been impacting my life so negatively, but she thinks I will get rid of OCD with Therapy, but I can’t just recover in a week, it will take months, and I don’t want to deal months with OCD symptoms :(( I think she doesn’t realize how hurtful OCD can be, she tries to understand, but she does not understand, I feel like only ppl WITH ocd can really understand my pain.
I’m losing it completely, I’ve never had a flare up like this with contamination. I’m so burnt out seriously , I feel like I’m going insane. My hands are cracking and bleeding from washing them and my family’s getting very tired of me , they think I should go stay in a hospital or something for a while because of how bad it is. OCD as taken away my relationships with people , I can’t sit on the couch anymore with my family , I can’t hug my dog anymore , I can’t relax ever. I just needed to write this down as I really can’t process my feelings right now as I have too many thoughts , any advice?
Having a really rough night tonight. Currently I'm having a lot of contamination obsessions and compulsions with using the bathroom and when I use it I usually end up spending at least an hour and a half including all the cleaning rituals and showering afterwards and I just started seeing a new therapist to help with this. Tonight it unfortunately hit me in the middle of the night at like starting at 1 am and finishing close to 3 am. This ended up making both my mom and dad really angry with me and this is not a new situation. For context, my dad doesn't believe in mental illnesses at all and my mother is better and much more understanding, but still doesn't believe it's real to an extent. With my mom being more supportive than my dad, it leads to arguments between them a lot especially ever since they brought me home (I recently graduated college and my OCD got to the point where I was unable to have a job or function normally in taking care of myself by living alone). My mom tends to lash out at me when she gets stressed about these arguments with my dad over me because she can't talk back to him and that in turn usually causes me to spiral and get worse and so the cycle continues. This recent time my dad started yelling at me from downstairs because I was flushing the toilet too much for his liking and my mom said some hurtful things to me. I understand that it's not easy living with me especially right now and I can see why they're upset but I really am trying to get better but I can't just get better overnight and automatically be able to control all my compulsions, especially with the severity they're at right now. I'm not really sure how to navigate my family situation like this with a lack of a support network or someone in my family who believes that what I'm going through with OCD is real and it's not just me choosing to do these things. Has anyone else experienced a similar home situation and have any tips on getting through it?
I can't stop thinking about ending my life. I feel like I'm not even living, I'm just surviving. Everyone is capable of being a person and functioning and I'm just stuck here avoiding everything. My psychiatrist said my ocd is severe and it will all take time and I'll start erp and I'm already on medication but I just feel so depressed and like I won't be able to handle erp and it's already too late for me. I feel inhuman, it's debilitating. My major theme is just fear or contamination, I can't even make myself a meal I can't touch anything in the kitchen. I get stuck in the shower for 2 hours and when I don't shower because I'm depressed I feel like a walking germ. My hands are a mess, my school work is shit, I avoid and avoid and I'm just so tired of "living" like this. My psychiatrist said they don't have any therapists available right now like.... excuse me? What do you mean u don't have any 😭 I honestly don't even know why I'm typing this becuase nothing helps, nothing ever will. I'm so deep into this I can't get out, my room looks like shit, I can't live in this body anymore, I really can't. I let everyone down, I am and will be such a dissapointment. I don't have any dreams or goals or passions I just wasn't made to be here. I don't know how or who to ask for help like there's nothing anyone can do, I'm already on meds. I can't keep being like this, seeing everyone judge me for acting insane.
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