- Date posted
- 1y ago
Letting go (til I won’t)
Trying to just allow the thoughts to just happen. Idk what else to do.
Trying to just allow the thoughts to just happen. Idk what else to do.
It's about taking a leap of faith even when your mind says "No...I have to solve this" and allow the anxiety of not solving it to just be there.....trust me it does get easier no matter what OCD tells you.... remember a solution from ruminating doesn't last long.....treat it as o d even when you mind says, it could be real.... don't fall for OCD tricks.
its is good to combine this acceptance with commitment to your values - so accept and then refocus on doing aomethibg valuable
@drak4 I like that. Can you tell me some?
@Jay222 everybody has some values...i recommend some books on ACT from Hayes or Harris...there are also ACT therapy for OCD
Yeah I agree totally, allow the thoughts to be there and get on with your day despite them. Allowing them to happen without trying to figure them out or prove them wrong is hard at first but will get easier.
Ocd is awful and at it’s worse makes me feel like I won’t to die asap but as hard as it is the best thing to do is carry on living as you normally would and try not to argue with the thoughts eventually they will start to feel less scary and less real. Be kind to yourself I wouldn’t wish this on anyone while don’t understand how awful it can be.
Yeah it's hard for sure but it does get easier with time. But once you start to feel less stressed, don't be tempted to go back and check.....one last time....if you do don't beat yourself up just start again. It's hard but quickly it becomes easier than the exhaustion from problem solving and the frustration and pain that comes with it.
Trying to ignore my thoughts but it feels like they are only coming at me more now😭 im just at a loss i dont know what to do
Two things are happening: I get thoughts that just keep looping. They almost feel like song stuck in my head. Also, I’ll imagine something and I feel my stomach drop. Then as the seconds go by I keep getting fragments of the this thought but with different details. For example, it’s kinda like how a “vision” is portrayed. I’ll get a glimpse of the thought and then it’ll rapidly expand into something worse every few seconds. I don’t know if I’m causing this or if it’s just an automatic thing like any other intrusive thought. It feels unavoidable, idk if this is a compulsion or if it’s just another manifestation of an intrusive thought. Apart from that remembering an intrusive thought triggers the full thought again and then it just keeps looping or expanding. I don’t know how to stop any of this. Help?
I cannot for the life of me stop ruminating or checking how I feel about thoughts or focusing on thoughts or creating more thoughts. I feel like I’m losing my mind. I want to scream. I try not to ruminate about the thoughts, but trying not to just makes me think about them more. I try not to check, but somehow, I still check. I want to let a thought sit in the background, but the more I try not to focus on it, the more I end up focusing on it. I don’t want the thought to expand because that feels like engaging with it, but I can’t just stop it from expanding. It feels impossible. People keep saying I’m in control of my compulsions, and maybe that’s true for the physical ones. But when it comes to the mental compulsions, I swear I have no control. It feels like I’m missing something that everyone else seems to have, like there’s some tool they’re using that I don’t have. Controlling mental compulsions has never felt possible for me. I’m starting to fear them. And every time someone says I’m in control and can just choose not to do them, I end up beating myself up even more when they happen. Or when I *choose* I guess. I don’t know anymore. If this is my fault, if I’m responsible for this, then what does that make me? I feel like a monster. I am at my wits’ end. How am I supposed to control mental compulsions when it feels like they control me? I freak out when they happen. They don’t bring me relief, they just make me panic. I want it to stop so bad.
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