- Date posted
- 1y ago
help please someone
im always worried about something when im bored and for a long time i have been scared of being a psyhopath how do i tell myself im not someone help and tell my how do i tell myself im not is this ocd?
im always worried about something when im bored and for a long time i have been scared of being a psyhopath how do i tell myself im not someone help and tell my how do i tell myself im not is this ocd?
Yeah I have ocd and it sounds similar to what I struggle with- my obsession was whether I was a psychopath too a couple years ago. I suggest you seek professional treatment as the number one thing you should do- but I have some things that have helped me. I found it helpful identifying any compulsions if there are any… Examples can be searching symptoms of a psychopath a lot, thinking of past memories where you may have been a psychopath a lot? If you have compulsions finding ways to avoid doing them will ease this anxiety in the long run because your brain will stop viewing this worry as so important. Accepting that whatever worry I was worrying about could possibly be true also helped and maybe I’ll never know the answer to whatever my obsession is and that’s fine. Maybe we are both psychopaths. No amount of fear and worrying is going to change that though. You deserve peace of mind and a life without the restraints of your anxiety. I’ve improved at not doing the mental compulsion of worrying about my obsession all day by doing this thing called worry time, which my councillor taught me, basically you schedule a time in the day for worrying, it can be before tea of after- anytime, but I don’t recommend doing it before bed because you need an activity to take your mind off your worries after your worry time otherwise you will probably stay up at night worrying. In worry time you write a list of what’s worrying and then you label them hypothetical or practical. A practical worry is something you can control, like if you’re worried about an exam you can put in your calendar to revise for it. Hypothetical is something you can’t control, like if you’re a psychopath and for those worries you have to distract yourself from them. When you are listing and labelling these worries you also have to do it between 5 and 15 minutes, I found 10 works for me, I thought it would be longer, but actually 10 is quite long. Then after worry time you need to do an activity that distracts you and makes you think of something else. I found using the app Duolingo as a good distraction technique because I just forget everything around me when I’m going on it and it’s such a cute designn :D Also don’t stress if your worry does come up when it isn’t worry time, it’s completely normal and won’t mess up the results, you just need to try to redirect your attention to something else. I’m not a doctor and again- seeking professional help is the 1st thing you should do, but I know how crappy waiting lists can be in some countries and this is what helped me :)
@Lilybethxoxo Sorry I forgot to include- the purpose of worry time is that you put off any worries you have in the day for this designated time
@Lilybethxoxo thanks so much but how do i tell my mind that im not a psycopath do you have any advice idk why that thing came to my mind i think because i saw a thing on tik tok
@denidom Oh TikToks can be pretty bad with discussing things like social issues, misinformation is so easily spread and when I was on it it never felt like topics were discussed to their full complexity because of how short TikToks are. I think that you should try to redirect your attention to something else instead of trying to tell your brain you’re not a psychopath when you’re brain just isn’t believing you
@Lilybethxoxo okay thanks so much ill try ❤️
Hello , You are not a psychopath . It is just OCD telling you that you are . If you find it easier to control your symptoms when you are doing something find yourself something to do: hobby , or what you always wanted to do later , or something that could make you feel relaxed like meditation . I hope that helps .
@ Liza how do i tell myself im not?
If you was one you wouldn’t be worry about it so you are not real one don’t care they don’t worry about it
@Monii thanks so much you made me a lot better
@denidom :) your welcome
I have this fear of being a psychopath or sociopath. All my life i was able to feel normal emotions like joy, sadness, guilt etc up until now where i suddenly gained this new fear of being a psychopath because i felt emotionally detached from my partner lately and i now feel like i emotionally shut down and like im on autopilot mode. Its like i cant feel anything right now, and to test myself i think of situations in my head that are bad (like someone getting hit by a car) to see if i feel any empathy and it scares me that i sometimes dont. I keep doing this over and over and i cant feel anything, im so scared of being evil or something. It triggers me when i see negative things on social media because im scared i don’t feel anything or not care about it at all. I never thought id be saying this but i WANT to feel sad or upset just so i know im not crazy.
Hi Im a 15 year old girl and about a month ago i started having these toughts about harming myself and other people. It was verry draining for me so thats why me and my friends stayed toghether for a week and have fun. Now i started having it again and i cant help but think im a pysochapth. Today I started breaking down and i dont know what to do. Are these the since of OCD or is something really wrong with me? Please help.
I have constantly been feeling like if I hit one arm, I have to hit the other and if I set something down and it just didn’t look right or feel right I had to do it again or I had to move it to a different spot in my room I’ve had never been a clean freak, which is mainly what I get told is OCD And I don’t know if I should even have this app. I don’t know if I actually have it. I’m constantly worried that I did something in my past that harmed others and that’s why people don’t like me or I’m constantly worried People are constantly watching me and I don’t know if that’s OCD or if I have it so please tell me I will delete this app and never think of it again if I don’t I just really wanna know
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