- Date posted
- 1y ago
Is my life over?
I feel like OCD has made me a shell of the person I used to be. I am not able to keep up with work, family or friends. I am worried I will lose the ability to work and connect.
I feel like OCD has made me a shell of the person I used to be. I am not able to keep up with work, family or friends. I am worried I will lose the ability to work and connect.
Hey there! I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. But if it helps at all, what you're feeling is EXTREMELY common with this disorder. Especially when it's flaring up. You're overwhelmed completely. We've all be there and return there frequently. What you have to do is do these things anyway despite the fears, mental noise, and so on. Unfortunately OCD can rob us of a lot of things. I was actually just reflecting on this with my significant other. But we have to live life regardless. As hard as it maybe, please try and keep the faith that brighter days are still possible and focus on living life one day at a time during these difficult periods. Don't rush recovery, simply allow it to happen. Regardless of how long it feels like it's taking
Thanks OoOcCdD66 for you words of wisdom in dealing & living with this disorder.
Omg I feel the same way. Sometimes it feels like I am so disconnected. I can’t do school work or apply myself to my relationships because of ocd. What helped me though was telling the people I love that I was struggling. I didn’t tell them for the longest time because I didn’t want to make them worry or judge me but what I didn’t notice is that it just made me feel more lonely. Everyone was acting like everything was fine and I was drowning. I caved and told everyone that I was feeling really depressed and anxious. That was the stepping stone I took to take my life back. You don’t have to go into detail if you don’t want to but just saying hey I am going through a really hard time lately and I just need some support can go a long way! It made me feel more connected with my friends and family and they offered advice and help to other things in my life.
Why everything I was once is gone? I had goals, I always been such an empathic and good person, I had so many plans in life and since ocd came to my life everything is gone, ocd has ruined everything in my life, I can’t see to find myself anymore. I hate my brain for making me think that I’m a bad person when I know I’m not. OCD really took everything away from me. I already have a lot in my plate for me to be dealing with this, it’s so unfair. I have never had it easy and now when my life was starting to get better I get OCD:(
I have no idea who I am anymore. I have completely lost my self. And idk what to do. Idk where my caring, and loving, chirst like side went. I have lost touch with who I am and everything I once new. I've had ocd for so long that I think it just became me. Or I'm dealing with cognitive Dissonance, which I feel like it probably true. Tbh. But anyways I feel like I'm genuinely gone crazy towards god and idk what to do. I wish I could just go back to myself, and I'm just not sure what to do. I think I turned away from God the only thing that once brought me joy. Just seems so dry now, like I'm empty or whatever. I personally don't think I'll ever be ok again.
They’re getting more intense.. My mind wonders if what i’m feeling is really OCD.. what if it’s not and i’m in denial? Why is my life like this, a constant loop of fears and stress holding me back. I just want to live. To be the kind boy everyone knows. To make and be a difference. There’s sometimes I wish I could stay asleep.. to rest for a while. To hibernate all these feelings away. But I know that’s not how it works. Each tear I shed is a reminder of the hell I live every day when I open my eyes. I don’t know who I am anymore. I don’t know why I am anymore. Please someone.. advice, words of positivity, something.. I feel so alone. I’m scared. I don’t know where else to go.
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