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- Date posted
- 24w ago
I had a scary suicidal ocd attack.
So today im sensitive for a reason, but im working on it, and after listening music and hearing some words like "ending my life" and these kind of things made me triggered and i felt like i want to do it. It felt like bc its hard now i would do it, but its definitely not true cause now i dont think like that, but im scared why it felt so real. Im working on beliefs but i dont find any beliefs about ending my life... but this was so strong, i was afraid im actually wanting it or if i continue to think about it i will act on it cause of the feeling. It was like it wants to drag me in, i couldnt move away from it, and it felt like if i continue this i will like it and act on it. Im working on my beliefs but even if a change it it still comes back and i dont think this is actually my belief cause then i would believe that everytime, not just in a moment then after that i believe somethi g else... I cant wrote down actually how it felt, but it really was like im starting to believe in that and if i dont do something then i might act on it. Please dont write go to a hospital, i dont care about that, i want to heal from ocd...