- Date posted
- 1y ago
Not gonna lie
Some of the convos on here scare me. Like I genuinely think a small amount of people on here have other issues besides OCD and it’s making me freak out about if that’s me too.
Some of the convos on here scare me. Like I genuinely think a small amount of people on here have other issues besides OCD and it’s making me freak out about if that’s me too.
I understand where you're coming from. But ocd can take people to some crappy places and the darkest corners of our mind. Yes, there a lots of people here with multiple diagnosises too, I may have some other stuff undiagnosed but I don't feel the need to find out. Brains disorders are not fun. People have completely different lives from each other and have massively unique experiences. We may be able to relate to each other in some cases, and in others not. I can't relate to ocd cleaning or symmetry for some examples. Thing is, some people will feel guilty about what their ocd has led them too and will not get better unless they feel like they deserve to, whether it be subconscious or not. My ocd was triggered because I almost accidentally killed my brother on his 3rd birthday. That caused 27 years of suffering for me. I got therapy and was able to forgive myself. Now I'm better. Plus I've spoken to my family about it and it really didn't bother them, including my brother. They knew it was an accident. So I understand where you're coming from but try to keep the judgements to yourself as you have no idea what kind of personal hell they've went through because of a brain glitch. I wouldn't wish ocd on anyone. Not even the worst person on the planet.
@Invalid I agree with you and I didn’t mean to offend anybody. I acknowledged that this disorder is extremely difficult to deal with and that Im not a specialist at the end of the day, so I have no right to truly judge anybody else. This is more so just me talking about my triggers and fears especially when it comes to the darker side of OCD. I’ve struggled with the darker sides for years but my only problem with some conversations surrounding OCD is when somebody is doing something or talking about doing something that’s not right and I know for sure it’s just not right. I’m not trying to persecute anybody but there’s been a few comments I’ve seen that are just red flags through and through. I also know OCD has gray areas where we will never truly find certainty and that, like I said, I’m not a specialist . My main reason for saying anything about it is because I think I’m using these comments as confirmation for my own obsessions, which is why I said scares me. I know how difficult it is to have this disorder. It’s life changing and suffocating. I’m sorry if you felt like I was trying to attack somebody, that’s the last thing I’m trying to do on here especially because so many people have helped me tremendously
@like For more context, I feel like I’m using these comments as confirmation because I’m scared that I will be able to relate to them. I know this is harmful to myself and others though because I shouldn’t be reading others comments and comparing myself to them but I feel like that’s just part of having OCD and being on an app with a bunch of people who have OCD 😭 not trying to be mean or anything, I have no place to judge, I’m just being honest about how I’m navigating this app
@like Some stuff triggers me too occasionally but I deal with it. I actually used it as ERP which was ultimately helpful for my recovery
I see what your saying. Maybe use the filter on here. Skip the trigger warnings too. ~ But I think all in all, the reason we are all on here is because OCD already is making us think falsely. And it’s a chain reaction, cascading sometimes into bigger problems, and then there are new revelations to come to grips with. Another type of behavior may be troubling and signal the need for another evaluation by their doctor. When type it out on here, we can give feedback and maybe they can get a clearer picture so they can get additional help. But, it would be hard to keep from getting scared on here, these are peoples thoughts and feelings. If it triggers you then speak with your therapist, hopefully it isn’t an additional topic/diagnosis for yourself. I have tried the filter but maybe it works. That was my two cents. I do understand. ❤️
@TapDrumRoll Thank you so much
I am now worried lol. I’m so worried that mine is not ocd. I went to my therapist and she seemed to understand the things I was talking about so… idk but now I’m scared that you’ve read my stuff and that is who has “more than” ocd 🥲 this sucks
@Helpbrooke26 Omg I did not mean to cause mass panic and I think I’m gonna take this post down now. It was just about 2 comments from a very long time ago. These comments are not that frequent whatsoever. It’s actually very rare. At the end of the day I’m not a professional either I’m just another person struggling with OCD 😭 please do not take my word as the end all be all
@like No no! You’re good!! I get what you’re saying 100% there are some people who I worry may just be “acting” like they have it so I worry about everything!
I get where your coming from, I’ve seen people use this platform to talk about their problems with their partner or themselves completely not ocd related and it’s very unsettling to see.
I know it’s so hard struggling with OCD and that I’m not the OCD specialist or anything but some things people be saying on here are really alarming and it’s genuinely scaring me
@like Because someone will say something really serious and questionable and somebody else will be like “it’s okay, we all make mistakes” and objectively speaking what they did is more than just a mistake
Hi all, my ocd has been flaring up lately and I’m not sure why. I think it may be due to stress and anxiety involving school and the hurricanes (I live in Florida) anyways I keep having random intrusive thoughts involving my real event and a lot of false memories are popping up, they feel so real it’s like I can feel everything in them even though I haven’t actually felt them. It’s so weird, like sometimes I will watch a movie and be able to feel the texture of snow or a piece of clothing even though I’ve never felt it before. I have noticed when I get those “phantom” ? touch feelings that they cause a lot of false memory intrusive thoughts. I’ve also been having intrusive thoughts that because no one interacts with my posts on here that everyone hates me and knows about me and thinks I’m horrible and disgusting or that someone is talking about me behind my back and telling people to stay away from me and then I’m a horrible person. I hate OCD so much, I hate that I ruminate constantly on little things and mistakes I’ve made and things I can’t let go. I just hate it so much. Does anyone else struggle with these thoughts or even the “phantom feelings/touches” I’m not sure what to call them sometimes I also get them with certain foods or smells even if I hadn’t had them before or smelt them before. It’s so weird
I have constantly been feeling like if I hit one arm, I have to hit the other and if I set something down and it just didn’t look right or feel right I had to do it again or I had to move it to a different spot in my room I’ve had never been a clean freak, which is mainly what I get told is OCD And I don’t know if I should even have this app. I don’t know if I actually have it. I’m constantly worried that I did something in my past that harmed others and that’s why people don’t like me or I’m constantly worried People are constantly watching me and I don’t know if that’s OCD or if I have it so please tell me I will delete this app and never think of it again if I don’t I just really wanna know
Does your ocd ever start to tell you that you’re having a psychotic break? I have such a hard time telling what are ocd thoughts and what are real thoughts as it is. But now my newest ocd thought is that I’m losing my mind. Please tell me I’m not alone in this!!
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