- Date posted
- 27d ago
Newbie question
New to this app. Do members find it helps, I'm worried I will start obsessing over things I hadn't thought about before when I read other people's OCD triggers...
New to this app. Do members find it helps, I'm worried I will start obsessing over things I hadn't thought about before when I read other people's OCD triggers...
Newbie here too and I find it has its ups and downs but definitely found some triggering. Usually it will say trigger warning but honestly anything can trigger me. I think overtime we get better with ERP. I just started but I’m excited to see how well it works. I’ve always been triggered so easy on things I read like “what if” that’s me 😫
Thanks for replying are you doing ERP through the app?
One of my exposures in ERP is to look at the community page, as it can be very triggering to me. One of my main obsessions is the fear of getting a new OCD subtype and having new intrusive thoughts. I started my own exposure as looking through for 5 minutes and not reassuring myself or doing any mental compulsions, and now I’m up to 10 minutes. It’s finally getting to where I don’t care that much about seeing all of the posts and different themes. Sometimes I still get the physical feeling of anxiety and I know my OCD is trying to tell me, “what if you get that subtype?” But I have to say, “maybe I will, maybe I won’t. I’m going to accept not knowing and I’m choosing to live in the discomfort.” Eventually it gets better, but if you find it too triggering and you’re not using it in ERP, I’d say it’s okay to limit your time on here. Hope that helps!
@JazzyJez86 Oh that makes sense! I’m just starting ERP so I’ll mention that to my therapist. Shows, news etc trigger me!
Same here but in the long term I think it will help to know that I’m not alone!
For me the core fears I have are from within due to my personal experience in life so I don’t get triggered and pick up themes (by the grace of God) BUT if I see someone who talks about a theme I used to have, I do tend to start thinking about it temporarily until the theme that causes me the most distress at the moment takes over again. What you can do is post your experience and search others who have your experience in the search bar and not scroll through everyone’s posts.
Hi I kept seeing this app on repeat on TikTok over and over and I thought I give it a shot. I have never been diagnosed with OCD but I know that I have it. I’m a young adult and I found out the first time I had OCD was watching lelelons truth video? I was 14 at the time She had to resist sitting back down in a chair after her having sat down she started having a mental break down when she was told to resist. That’s when I knew. It started with myself going up and down a staircase twice buckling unbuckling my seat belt everytime I’m in the car ect I have always been super anti social but trying my best I can socialize but my mind wants to make it sexual with family and friends ughhhh I hate it because that’s not me when I graduated thoughts of hurting my loved ones corrupted my mind I broke down outside of church one time asking if this was really me or not i question if I’m a good enough friend or person in this world to begin with thinking everyone is judging me so so close how can I make this situation better did I do something wrong I struggle with depression as well not to bad but it’s there I come from a loving family but broken as well i believe in god and my OCD makes me go often he’s not real that stuff isn’t real no one is there to save you the list goes on. Anyway I struggle a lot and I really hope that this will help me because I feel extremely hopeless. Lucky for me I do have the ability to seek therapy and I am excited. The only person I ever tell my thoughts to is God no other human has heard so I’m really really hoping this helps me out if your reading this thank you it means a lot because this is my first time ever admitting all this it’s a lot to take in I know and I hope you are ok and that you have a great night and know that we got this
Hi, I’m new to this app and newly diagnosed. Question for you all, What things did you normalize and do without a second thought that when diagnosed, you realized was actually your OCD? Mine was how concerned with germs I am. I hold my breath when I open a door so the rush of wind doesn’t infect my lungs from whatever is in the room. I thought everyone was really careful and concerned like me. But Ive learned it’s not normal the lengths I go to. What was yours?
Good morning, I have been noticing more and more that I might have OCD. I am currently a student and this is causing me to slack a lot during school. I am a student who has a 504 plan (accommodation for my mental health) and would like to add this app on my 504 due to my school having a no phone policy. My question is, how can this app help me while in school? What are things that can happen during school that might lead me to using this app? I am new to this app and barley finding out that I might have OCD. If any clarification needs to be made on this post please let me know! :)
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