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- loveyourself20
- Date posted
- 17w ago
ROCD confessional
how are people dealing with confessional ocd in relationships? hope everyone’s okay and slaying as much as they can ♥️
how are people dealing with confessional ocd in relationships? hope everyone’s okay and slaying as much as they can ♥️
I struggle with this a lot, I go through phases of feeling the overwhelming urge to confess every dark thought or action I’ve ever done to make sure he’ll still love me and chose to stay with me. My ocd convinces me I’m lying to him if he doesn’t know every tiny aspect of my brain, isn’t OCD a joy! 🙄😵💫 I’m sorry I don’t have much advice on dealing with it except remember no one knows everything about each other, you are entitled to your own mental space (if that makes sense)!
@Sophie2115 thankyou! it does make sense it’s just hard to accept it aaaa!!
I also struggle with this, it sucks. I’ve been trying to allow the thoughts to flow without acting on them and it’s hard, but I am choosing to trust my own ability to fix my own problems and deal with my own traumas. Think of it this way, by not confessing, you are making yourself stronger while also not imposing your compulsions on your partner. I am recently in a new relationship and it’s been so hard, but I’ve made it a point to try to only tell her I have OCD and that I am working on it myself, and that’s it. I haven’t always succeeded, but I am learning that as long as I trust myself, I can do this on my own.
I didn’t realise I had ROCD for a long time. I would spend days ruminating about our relationship. I always knew I had POCD or eating OCD etc (thoughts I knew were not true) however when it comes to a relationship it’s hard to know even more? This led to me breaking up and having feelings for him still and being SO confused. Now I know it’s all part of the same disorder. OCD!!!
omg this literally sounds like i wrote this post 😭 im the queen of confession ocd unfortunately. here’s the things keeping me sane: 1. when i feel the urge to confess, i write it out thoroughly on my notes app. sometimes breaking it down makes you realize you don’t have to share it 2. the second i feel a confession thought coming in, or i feel my brain SEARCHING for something to confess, i play word games!! word searches, word puzzles, wordle, spot the difference, etc. it tricks your brain into forgetting to search what you were worrying about. this has really been my saving grace 3. at this point something that helps me is the embarrassment. sometimes after i confess something SO weird like (i watched a show and i was kind of aroused by one of the actors) the way my boyfriend looks and me and responds makes me regret confessing so bad. i’m like wait why on earth would i say that 4. just try your best to wait it out. honestly, i’m still searching for the answer just like you. there’s so many times i want to confess and i literally don’t know if it’s something i need to confess or not. but after time you kinda learn. i’m sorry you’re going through this. we got this i hope you’re slaying too
hey guys, this is going to be long but i’m trying to heal and i really really would love advice. i’m looking for help with confession ocd in romantic relationships. my question is, how do i stop myself when i have the feeling “wow this is something i REALLY need to confess. no it’s actually important this time” even though the logical part of my brain is saying all it will do is probably cause an argument and isn’t important. how do you get past that feeling of “i HAVE to say this thing because they NEED to know?” that feeling of it being so important. another question is if you do confess and you struggle with false memory, i feel like a lot of the time i say “i might have” it “i think i…”. this feels unfair to my bf because he never knows what’s real and what isn’t and NEITHER DO I!!! most of the stuff i confess is from around 2 years ago, so small details i don’t remeber. false memories can also make literally anything feel real. so when i months later after confession remever the REAL answer (i DID do this when i said i MIGHT have) how to stop from RE confessing?? sorry this was so long but i’m really trying to heal and i REALLY need advice. thank you guys!!
Hey y’all this is my first post. I’ve known I’ve had ocd for around 6 years now, but haven’t had much specialized help (just a standard therapist, who is great, she suggested this app) I’m mainly just posting to vent and for people to hopefully make me feel a little less alone in my current situation. I’ve developed coping skills for many of my ocd obsessions in the past, but haven’t really made a dent in what I’m realizing is pretty bad ROCD. I was in an abusive relationship for about 4 years, and it was this weird thing where like I would not only be unhappy from the abuse but also have intense ROCD. Which is relevant, because I’m now in a super happy and healthy relationship, but am unfortunately still experiencing ROCD. And of COURSE that makes my brain feel either like love is just never going to work out for me, or that this new relationship is wrong for me, which I know isn’t the case. But it’s just so exhausting feeling like I have this horrible brain fog around my partner half the time. I never felt like this when my partner and I were just best friends for 6 months, and all that’s changed is that she is even sweeter and more attentive to me. This just all sucks so bad, and I think I should talk to a specialist about it.
i’m having really bad relationship anxiety & OCD idk how to get past it :( it ruins my mood & affects the way i view my partner. i want to cry
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