- Date posted
- 43w ago
Fear of losing touch with the reality
Hey guys I’m really scared of loosing touch with the reality.. I’m scared that everything around me is not real or objects that’s something else than what it really is.. can anyone relate?
Hey guys I’m really scared of loosing touch with the reality.. I’m scared that everything around me is not real or objects that’s something else than what it really is.. can anyone relate?
Yeah I feel like that all the time. The matrix really messed me up
I understand this completely, as I experience a form of psychosis fairly regularly. Sometimes I will question if I have an unusual encounter with a stranger if that person was real or not or even if I’m hearing things that are real or not. OCD will feel so real sometimes. I think a solution is to accept that we don’t need to know what’s real. Take pressure off ourselves about finding the answer in the uncertainty.
Oh yeah. My biggest fear/ocd theme in life is developing schizophrenia/psychosis and on top of that having ocd/anxiety can cause you to feel “out of it” which just triggers the fear and they feed off each other. It’s very tricky to deal with but I hope we get there.
hey so this sounds a lot like dissociation/ dpdr/ existential ocd. its just a fear that stems from extreme anxiety. feeling dissociated is just your brain’s way of protecting itself. it becomes so overwhelmed and anxious that it feels like it needs to dissociate in order to cope. you’re NOT going crazy and you won’t lose your sense of reality. they’re just thoughts and ofc they will feel real because of ocd. and if you think you’re going crazy or psychotic then you really aren’t because crazy people don’t think or know that they’re crazy. hope this helps <3
Hi everyone. So recently I have been feeling so scared and paranoid of going crazy. I am terrified of i will go crazy and turn schizo. I’m so hyper aware of everything. My mind convinces me that I will end up like this but I really don’t want to.It’s my biggest fear and I think abt it almost everyday and I can’t handle it anymore. I just want to be ok. I have told my parents this and they say it’s all in my head and just laugh at me. I know it’s in my head but I physically feel sick to my stomach being constantly scared. Please someone help me please please. Thank you.
I feel so upset right now. Can anyone relate? I keep having this delusional-type thoughts that my mom is out to hurt me. We live together and at night when I’m trying to sleep I get the thought that she is going to come in my bedroom and hurt me. My mom is so kind and loving, she’s my best friend. I know OCD attacks what we love, but I can’t let this go. I try to just reply with a “maybe, maybe not,” but then it comes back full force and says “you’re in denial, they’re brainwashing you to think that way, etc.” and it freaks me out and makes me feel so down. Like it says “your life is in danger, don’t dismiss this!” I keep thinking I’m in psychosis. Like if someone asks me if I truly believe these things, I want to automatically rely “I don’t know.” Because the doubt and realness of the thoughts/feelings deal soo real like I’m convinced of these things. I just feel so lost and confused. It makes me feel sick. I confess all of these things to my mom, which I know is just me seeking reassurance. I try to say to myself if I truly believed she was out to hurt me, I probably wouldn’t even be sharing this with her. But then again my mind always has a rebuttal to bring me back into rumination. I want this to be easier. I want my life back. I have been dealing with ocd for years now and this flare up has been the worst yet. Please, I know I’m seeking reassurance, but can anyone relate to any of this?
Does your ocd ever start to tell you that you’re having a psychotic break? I have such a hard time telling what are ocd thoughts and what are real thoughts as it is. But now my newest ocd thought is that I’m losing my mind. Please tell me I’m not alone in this!!
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