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- Anonymous
- Date posted
- 46w ago
How can i know that im not actually faking my attraction to hide my denial and hiding my real attraction like its so scary and confusing
How can i know that im not actually faking my attraction to hide my denial and hiding my real attraction like its so scary and confusing
Bro I feel the same and ask my self the same thing tbh with you I don’t even know
@JohnKit Yeah like i can acknowledge when a guy is good looking and i know I don’t want anything sexual but then my thoughts go like ur only faking it
I’m dealing with the same exact thing. My therapy starts weds but I’ve been trying some things on my own for erp therapy. At my job now when a man comes up to order instead of looking at the screen I stare right into their face and let whatever feelings or thoughts I have just come and go you can’t control these things. But you can get past them. Now if you’re worried you’re gonna look at a man and become attracted to him this could be a good step. It’ll be hard not to reassure yourself in those times but you have to tell yourself maybe, maybe not. Who cares it’ll help you lose interest in the topic.. anxiety can release dopamine and your brain doesn’t decipher between them. Just that you got a dopamine kick and because dopamine is a good chemical in the brain it’ll try to recreate that anxiety and give the brain its fix
Hi, I was lying on the bed with my female partner. We we laughing and joking and I bed humped (couple of thrusts) pretending that it was my male lecturer. She brought him up. I was just joking, I dont even know why I did it. I've never had sex with a man. I .on Prozac for GAD and am starting Propranolol tomorrow. Now I worry that my gf thinks I'm gay and I can't shake this thought. My nonsensical act and joke might have ruined my relationship and we have a child. My mind won't stop racing and it's convincing me that she is doing the same. She is being quiet though, which is worrying. My anxiety is out of control. I'm anxious because I'm confused about being confused and its making me doubt my sexuality. Help
For the people who have SOOCD : do you guys ever wander if your false attraction to the unwanted sex is actually what true attraction feels like and what you actually felt for the "wanted sex" wasn't real and was just forced all your life because of society? This thought is currently consuming me because I feel like its true for me... like whenever I imagine a guy it feels like forced attraction but if I imagine any girl it feel true and intense??
I have no idea if this is just OCD and I’m actually just straight or i was in denial my whole life. Now it feels so scary, i feel like im realizing my true self, that ive always been gay, that im just using SO-OCD as a cover up. IT FEELS SO REAL. I even feel like others with SO-OCD dont experience this feeling and i must experience something different. Its literally a feeling like an urge to admit myself that I’m gay and it even feels like i know im gay and i was using OCD as a cover up for 6 years. I cant even describe that feeling. When i try to imagine myself with a girl in my mind it makes me feel like i like that thought like i want it😔 It feels all very very real. I think you guys with SOOCD have different feelings and you actually have OCD. I dont want these thoughts. I dont want to be gay, i dont want to feel this. But maybe i was my whole life in denial. 😭😭
Even after ocd has calmed down. Scared that when my ocd goes away, I’ll still have “attraction” and groinals to girls. I don’t want to be lesbian. It’s like I don’t want my ocd to go away now? Anxiety and intrusive thoughts have gone down but my false attraction still feels real? And now it feels like I’ve always had this. And my real attraction is still missing? Has this happened to anyone ?
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