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- Anonymous
- Date posted
- 7w ago
Has anyone overcome magical thinking OCD?
Struggling currently struggling with magical thinking and feeling like I’ll never overcome it. What has worked for you?
Struggling currently struggling with magical thinking and feeling like I’ll never overcome it. What has worked for you?
Our brains have a tendency to seek patterns, even when events are unrelated. When no pattern exists, we often create one because we struggle with uncertainty and desire a sense of certainty. This post might help you understand https://app.treatmyocd.com/community/posts/2030461
I don’t want to say I’ve “overcome” magical thinking, but I am getting much better at identifying what is magical thinking versus other thinking. I notice the reaction I have to magical thinking feels a certain way and I feel more of a physical response when magical thinking is happening. So when the thoughts start building to become grandiose and very “out there” i try to pull myself out of the thought cycle. Hope this helps you.
@Hopefloats227 How do you pull yourself out of the thought cycle? Sometimes I just get so overwhelmed by it that I just wash my hands over and over again without any relief.
@Anonymous Well at this point I believe it’s because I have done therapy and take medication that helps ;)
I'd say I mostly have overcome my MTOCD. I do still get intrusions, but I don't do compulsions anymore. My fear that my MTOCD thoughts come true is mostly gone. When it does pop up, I still refrain from doing compulsions and the fear goes down very quickly. My problem with regards to my MTOCD is, that the triggers are still causing a lot of anxiety. I think it's a phobia now. That being said: ERP had been the key for me. When I started ERP I had been stuck in MTOCD loops for an hour or more per day - which is quite a lot, given that I had/have other OCD subtypes, too. I'd have few intrusive thoughts per minute always followed by a short compulsion and that, as I said before, in an hour long loop. After starting ERP the frequency in which the intrusive thoughts would pop up went down quickly and now there are days, when I don't have MTOCD related intrusive at all.
@Zoë_84 How did you get past the fear to start ERP?
@Anonymous With an awesome therapist and a very slow approach. She had me watch a youtube video of something that triggered my MTOCD. Then we made little short ERP exercises. It'd set it up and she said, that I could put it away after the exercise, but at some point, I left it there even after I has finished my exercise. What was so great about my therapist was, that I felt understood and cared for. She was kind and compassionate. When I beat myself up for not having down all my ERP homework, she praised the homework I have completed. She always said we, she made me feel like her and me are in it together. I no longer fought alone, we fought together. She had been a great support, without ever giving me reassurance. I have never had such a good therapist before I started therapy with her and I had a lot of therapist before her.
@Zoë_84 Wow! That’s amazing. My therapist is also starting low and slow with me but I’m having a hard time trusting the process. It’s encouraging to hear others finding success.
@Anonymous Try listing out ALL the reasons getting better would be worth doing ERP. The write out all the reasons it’s worth NOT doing erp. See what list is longer. Life is pretty awesome on the other side of ERP and recovery. And it’s absolutely possible. Might be scary but you can do hard things: I mean, look how long you’ve been dealing with this crappy disorder and yet you’re still making it every day! take the leap, and take it one day at a time. YOU CAN DO IT. And when you do. You’re doing to feel so empowered that OCD isn’t going to be able to bully you quite as much!!!
@Hopefloats227 Thank you so much for your encouraging words! Definitely what I needed today.
Please share your stories! I have really bad real event, false memory and POCD. I’m struggling a lot right now feeling undeserving, feeling like everything I’ve ever done in my life was meticulously calculated. Funny thing about OCD is even if I see someone do something way worse than me, it won’t phase me unless I’d done it. For example, something minor I did that really could mean nothing, my OCD convinces me it proves my ocd right. In light of the disordered times, I’d like to ask for someone to share their ocd recovery story, maybe some tips and how they did it. It’s feeling pretty impossible for me right now. Thank you!
I am typing as I sit on the couch after a mental breakdown due to the frustration and fear I have with my Suicidal OCD intrusive thoughts. I know so much about why this is happening from therapy, research, and self help books that I feel like knowing this much about my condition is almost making it harder to recover. It’s like I feel like since I logically understand my problem, why can’t I change my response to it? I know logically that these thoughts are stuck in a loop because I have assigned meaning to them and am so scared of the concept of harming myself, yet ERP/CBT hasn’t yet helped much with my ability to tolerate the anxiety. I have moments where I feel good but the sense of impending doom and feeling like I “am bound to hurt myself” always comes back. At least for the last 2-3 months since this theme and OCD flare started. I don’t have any physical compulsions that me or my therapist have been able to identify except *maybe* researching too much. But other than that, my compulsions are all mental. However, I can’t pinpoint what exactly they are. It’s also important to note that I don’t avoid anything. I still use knives when I need to, I don’t hide them like others with this theme do. Yes they can trigger anxiety but I don’t actively avoid them or other items that trigger/have potential to harm me. When I do audio exposures (listening to my voice saying I am going to hurt myself), I hold a knife to my wrist to intensify the ERP, per my therapists request… and still the same or similar level of fear behind suicidal and harm OCD thoughts is there. Has anyone dealt with this and can help provide some insight as to what helped you? Anything is helpful here except negativity.
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