- Date posted
- 1y ago
Why do I have the urge to off myself when having ocd thoughts? But I dont want to die.
Why do I have the urge to off myself when having ocd thoughts? But I dont want to die.
This is my own experience, and something you should also speak with your counselor about** For me, the best place I start is to realize that the thoughts I am experiencing are actually just that, thoughts. I then give meaning to the thoughts, which leads to feeling a certain way. I ask myself: What meaning am I giving to this thought? Is it possible to separate how I feel, from the thought I am experiencing? Can I even choose a new thought, one that feels better? We can apply this to any thought, OCD thoughts, etc... This, my friend, takes practice - be patient. It's sortve like first taking a step back - then I get better at choosing what I want to think and how I want to feel. And as with anything, practice makes better. You got this.
Totally relate. Remember though OCD attacks what you care about. You don't want to die so OCD is going to go against that saying "you should" and "you will". These kind of thoughts used to terrify me so bad, so much so I couldn't be in a room by myself without feeling like I was going to k*ll myself somehow. I've learned the best way to combat these intrusive thoughts/urges is to be sarcastic with them, "oh yeah OCD I should totally k*ll myself because I have a bad cold" if that makes sense. Or saying "maybe it's you who should off yourself, OCD not me" Just so you know I'm rooting for you and I know how hard it is! I just want to remind you OCD is just a big jerk with a broken record player in hand. And you are not alone ❤️
Also I love your username btw 😊
How can I tell the difference between suicidal ocd and suicidal thoughts?
Does anyone else have the strong urge to do some sort of drugs sometimes when there ocd gets really bad or over nothing in general, like I’ll just be sitting doing nothing and my brain goes “you need to do cocaine right now or else” and I get a urge and it’s so like odd to me??? I’ve never done drugs in my life and never plan to because my father was a addict and I’ve seen what they’ve done to people so it scares me when I get these thoughts and then I get the urge to reach out to someone who can give me drugs and I play this whole scenario in my mind where I contact someone and I meet up with them and pay them for the drugs and then I take them and die and it’s like??? Idk I’ve had weird intrusive thoughts involving drugs before but this is like different if that makes sense, I also can’t stop focusing on how my body feels when this happens like it’ll feel like I was a previous addict and that I’m going through withdrawal and need something or else and it’s just so weird to me. Anyone else go through this?
I can't do this anymore I feel fucking insane my mind keeps telling me I want to k word people and if feels like my mind is making fucking plans. I'm diagnosed with ocd but I don't even know if it's ocd what if I'm just a terrible fucking person that actually wants to do this. My mind is literally telling me to go buy a weapon and hurt people like I get fucking urges. I can't keep food down and have not for the last few days I feel like I need to go to a mental hospital but I don't want to burden anyone in my family. Like my mind tells me specifically I want to do this but I don't want to but recently ive been having the thought of what if I did do it but I don't want to. I just want it to stop I'm a good person I don't want to hurt anyone at all. But what if one day I actually do want to do something. I can't do this anymore.
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