- Date posted
- 1y ago
Just curious.....how many people who've received their " OCD Conqueror" badge still have regular intrusive thoughts that ramp up their anxiety?
Just curious.....how many people who've received their " OCD Conqueror" badge still have regular intrusive thoughts that ramp up their anxiety?
What’s an ocd Conqueror badger? Whenever I’ve felt like ocd isn’t the boss of me anymore I still can get thoughts and they still shock me or disgust me but I find them so much easier to move on from than when am in a bad ocd episode. It’s like having two brains I just wish I never had to suffer with ocd and had anxiety my whole life all I ever remember as a kid is overthinking and worrying about things.
The conqueror badge is given when you are doing therapy with an noocd therapist and based on regular assessments and your anxiety level as a result they may say you're an ocd conqueror. At least that's how I interpret it. Of course I may be wrong
Yep! They don’t go away completely, unfortunately. I still have intrusive thoughts but they aren’t as persistent as before. My OCD mostly flares up during times of stress and/or depressive episodes. If I have a disturbing thought, it’ll def give me anxiety but it no longer consumes my day to day life. I’m able to recognize that it’s an intrusive thought and move past it. But ofc, I have moments where I fall back into my old habits and things get hard again.
Thanks blazed for the reply
I don’t display but I have the badge and still have intrusive thoughts and anxiety. The biggest difference is that I’m more able to catch and stop compulsions and handle the anxiety
I received mine too and also haven't acknowledged it because I still have work to do. In the end I'm in a better place now .
I’ve completed 11 sessions so far and I can honestly see progress. I’m not back to my “normal” self but I’m gaining parts of my life and my personality back. I never knew I had OCD. I always attributed things to anxiety. Being diagnosed let me know I’m not alone, I’m not crazy, and that there’s help for me. I have a long list of OCD subtypes. As you can imagine, the thoughts and images in my head were extremely distressing and I was concerned for my quality of life and my sanity. 11 sessions in and I’m able to watch shows and movies without being scared I’ll see a trigger, I can practice exposures and navigate through my obsessions better, and I’m finding joy in the little moments in life. I used to avoid so many things and people because I was scared I’d have intrusive thoughts. I still struggle with intrusive thoughts every single day. Some days and even weeks are bad and I struggle more than usual. I have mood swings, extreme irritability, and even sometimes experiencing depersonalization. Sometimes I just plain out feel uncomfortable and weird. But like my therapist said, progress is not linear. I’m learning to count my wins instead of always counting my losses. I’m learning to enjoy the little bits of life that are ok, and I feel proud when I get through hard moments. I’m excited for the future. I’m excited to see how much I progress. Sometimes I’m still scared but I know that’s my OCD trying to get me to quit because we both know this ERP therapy is helping. If you’re struggling, please seek help. It does get better. I wanted to quit after doing my first exposure. I’m so happy I didn’t. And on hard days when I want to give up, I know this is what I’m supposed to be doing to help myself.
If you suffer from taboo themes, and deal with groinal responses… Do you feel they have disappeared? Do you still notice them? For myself, they have become so engrained/automatic , so while i do not get “anxious” by them anymore i still can clock them & it can feel discouraging … What are your experiences?
Those of you who have overcome at least a bit, if not all, of your OCD. When you went through the CBT and ERP, did it feel like the end of the world? And how did you face the fact that your fears and uncertainties might actually come to life?
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