- Date posted
- 1y ago
How can I get over the feeling of needing to confess everything? Even private thoughts & situations … nobody’s business but my own. But I feel like I’m doing something wrong and keeping big secrets. Thanks!
How can I get over the feeling of needing to confess everything? Even private thoughts & situations … nobody’s business but my own. But I feel like I’m doing something wrong and keeping big secrets. Thanks!
I struggle with this too! My therapist has given me the phrase “the time limit has expired” for when I start to ruminate on my past “mistakes”, especially if they are things that happened beyond 6 months ago. Not everything necessitates confession. I sort of have a rule that if I really really want to confess something I can speak to my therapist but I can’t keep bringing up the same things. Discussing it once is enough. I’m struggling not to bring up a past mistake with my current therapist that I discussed with a previous therapist but I tell myself that it’s been put to bed. It’s OCD wanting me to get reassurance again from a different therapist. It’s so tough to keep going and accept all of this! OCD will always try to make you doubt what you’re doing so just remember if doubt is present then it’s most likely OCD. Don’t fuel it with the confession compulsion.
I really struggled with this when I was younger. It can be really hard to need to confess things that don’t need to be revealed. My mom used to tell me that some things are meant to be kept to yourself, and that it’s not lying about it either if you do. It’s healthy to have secrets as long as they aren’t harmful to anyone.
Feel guilty for not giving into compulsions like rumination and confessing? I feel guilt for having an intrusive thought, trying to shrug it off or just giving it a few seconds of thought and moving along. This sounds like improvement but I still struggle with the anxiety and the guilt. The shame. I’ll be okay and then I’ll remember I have OCD and my stomach will drop and I just want to curl up and cry.
I don’t know how to stop confessing. It’s driving me insane. I confess every little thing to my boyfriend. I confessed that I liked attention (this is so obviously human), that I liked it when people found me pretty (also very human??) I confessed about a million other things and I feel out of control. I felt so safe with him last night that it just started pouring out of me. I felt guilty and awful and I just needed release, I couldn’t breathe I felt like I was dying. I’m stuck in a confessing loop and I know I’m only making things worse. Has anyone experienced this and been able to overcome it? It feels absolutely horrible and impossible. I tried to ERP this and I genuinely feel like I am suffocating if I hold off. I feel so disappointed in myself, but I can’t seem to stop. I even had a dream where I confessed to him and woke up needed to confess that. I’m scared I’ll start sharing my worst intrusive thoughts I’ve had if I feel too safe around my bf. Help please :(
I just got off my session today and after having a confession to my husband last night with a compulsion, he obviously is going to have more questions. My therapist says not to confess because I am growing my OCD . However, this is really OCD and is about something that actually happened. My husband said, that it sounds like I have someone in my life who is justifying withholding information or lying to him. Of course when I have my obsession compulsions, he makes sense. Can somebody help explain this to me? How is my husband not right or is he?
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